viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009

How to migrate MySQL backup to PostgreSQL

Hi, the first step is generate a dump with all data from your mysql database. for example. I am working in Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron

cmonterrosa@dibd02:~$ mysqldump dbname > file.sql -u root -p

enter your password and mysqldump generate a file with the BD backup. then you have tu run the script to format this file.sql into postgresql valid format.

This script is available in:

cmonterrosa@dibd02:~$ perl mysql2pgsql.perl file.sql file-pgsql.sql

where file-pgsql.sql is the file valid for introduce the schema and data into postgresql.Now we are going to restore the schema and the rows.

cmonterrosa@dibd02:~$ psql -h localhost -d diccionarios -U cmonterrosa -W

where -h option is host, in this case is the localhost, -d is the database and -U is the owner of the database.

Comments with

Carlos Augusto Monterrosa Lopez /